Thanks for stopping by, my name is Wayne Wyatt and this will be my new home on the web. As some of you may know my wife and I have decided to flip the roles a bit. She will be (the provider) and I will be the stay at home dad (SAHD). This may be a new concept for some of you but in fact this is a growing trend especially in developed western nations. (See Wikipedia article)
This will be my space to discuss the trials and tribulations of being a SAHD. Blogger is a new site for me so it might take a couple of posts before I get it down 100%. My wife is now 21 weeks pregnant today. We had our anatomy ultrasound last week and were told that we were going to have a girl. They were unable to get good pictures of the spine and lips so we have another ultrasound scheduled for Aug. 2nd, hopefully this will confirm that she is indeed a she.
The main point of this blog will be to get advice from other SAHD’s (or moms!) and to someday be a reference for any other men thinking about being a SAHD. I know that I will have many questions for my friends, family, and new friends that I have yet to meet. That’s all for now, Its late and I just wanted to get this blog started. There will be much more to come as this roller coaster called life rolls on.
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