
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where is the time going?

It seems like just a few weeks ago that I was yelling at god. Going through the loss of Helen and I's first child (embryo). Now here we are 24 weeks into a second pregnancy. Its over half over already! The nursery is painted, the furniture is going in and its becoming more and more real every day. How will our lives change in November? I have a feeling that they will be greatly enriched. Life may seem to have more of a purpose. Afrer years of thinking (and accepting) that we were not going to have children.. here we are, and time is flying! Just my thoughts of the day. Its been a crazy year. I hope and pray that it ends better than it started... it looks like it will.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

24 Weeks, Ultrasound Video

After last weeks disappointment of not getting the ultrasound that we were scheduled for, because we were not scheduled for it... We got it done today. I think this is the last one unless some sort of problem arises. Everything seems well, heartbeat is 163 which has been pretty consistent the whole time and she now weighs in at 1lb 8oz. Only 15 weeks 6 days to go. Enjoy the video of today's ultrasound :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

starting to look a little more like a nursey!

This is the before picture.. just last week.

And here it is today, see.. I was able to get that bad boy together. The crib is setting where the blue lamp was in the before pic. Making progress! Come on November!!

23 weeks along

We were supposed to have an ultrasound yesterday, this would have been the 3rd ultrasound. They was unable to get all of the pictures that they needed from the previous one including the spine and face. However, due to an error by the doctors office they said that we were not scheduled. We had the appointment card but of course it was at home and the doctor is 30 minn away. The ultrasound has been re-scheduled for next Tuesday. I'm not disappointed, that just means that we get a 24 week ultrasound instead of a 23 week one.
The trip was not a complete waste of time though because we went paint shopping. After arguing over the shade of pink that we wanted we finally "agreed" (meaning that I gave in and said fine lol) on a color. When we got home I recruited my dad as a painter and together we had it done in a couple of hours. As I am writing this the doorbell rang and our crib has arrived, so I'm off to put it together now. Will put up a pic once (if) I get it together :)