
Thursday, September 29, 2011

60 days to go!

As the time continues counting down things are slowly coming together. I have now received and pre washed all of our new Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers. We are starting off with 16 diapers, with me the one in charge of washing we will soon see if that number is sufficient. We had the baby shower and got a lot more goodies. The Dr. appointments are about to change to every two weeks instead of every month. Taylor is very active, kicking and moving around. All in all things are going great! I think that we now have all of the essential baby items with just a couple of big items left to buy like the pack n play and a swing. I was just going through this blog and realized that I have not posted any pictures of the nursery in a little while... I think I will do that now, gotta go take some pics ;)

Taylors bookshelf..

A cedar chest I got our of Grandma's house and redone. She passed away on May 17th this year. I know that she would be happy.. #1 seeing how good that chest looks now lol, and #2 knowing that it will be Taylor's. Also this is the glider that we picked up at a garage sale for $10.

The crib, now outfitted and ready for baby Tay. Also her new bouncer seat.

This is the wall directly behind/above the crib. I can't take credit for this, this was all Helen.

Fuzzi Bunz diaper drawer ready to go.

Taylor's shelf.. also you can see "crib cam" which will be available to view online or on smartphones for family members.
And here we have her new stroller. So just as a quick recap, things are going great, no major issues with baby equipment or putting anything together. Were down to only 60 days and the race is on.. Turkey or Taylor.. which will come first!?


  1. Looks like your pretty prepared. The nursery looks great and I'm sure 60 days will fly by in the blink of an eye...

    We never thought of doing a crib cam. Is it a service you pay for or just something you setup yourself?

  2. Thanks! The crib cam is just a plain usb webcam hooked up to an extra laptop we had. I'm using software downloaded free from which allows you to view the stream on the computer over the net. Also they have a free smartphone app which will allow you to watch it on your phone.
