
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

T-minus 7 days

Today is November 15th, 2011. I cannot believe that in 7 days I will be holding my beautiful precious baby girl in my arms. I'm not sure if it has sunk in yet that I am about to be a mommy. Over the last almost 10 months I have been growing this tiny human inside my body. How amazing is that??? I CAN'T wait to get her out and see her, but I know that I am going to miss feeling her moving and kicking around in there.
I get asked all the time why I am still working this close to my due date. My answer to this is why not??? I am not incapable of work, actually I LIKE working. Working makes the time go by faster to me. Just imagine if I was a pioneer woman who worked in the fields. They would give birth and then 30 minutes later be back in the field working. THANK GOD I don't have to do that!!!
I had Monday off work and Wayne and I spent it getting last minute things done before Taylor gets here. I was slightly freaking out about not having things ready. Wayne had to bring me back down to earth. He says to me "Helen, you are only going to be gone for 3 day, when you are putting trimming the dogs nails on the list of things that need done, I'm pretty sure that that means that you are ready to have this baby." Once he put it into prospective for me that made me feel a little better. Ugh, what would I do without Wayne.
Getting a C-Section wasn't how I planned for my little girl to come into the world, however the big guy upstairs had other plans. She is already stubborn just like both of her parents. I can't imagine what a hand full she is going to be as a teenager. So in 7 days the doctor is going to wheel me into an operating room cut me open and take my daughter out. Wow!!! Life will never be the same from that moment on.
November 22nd is going to be a life changing day for me and my family. I have a feeling that I am getting on the worlds biggest roller coaster, lets just hope that I am ready for the ride.

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